Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blogs Of Note VI

It's been a while since I've introduced posts from other blogs, but here are a few recent outstanding ones:

*Presentation Zen*

Garr Reynold's blog is a wonderful source of inspiration for anyone who teaches and/or gives presentations and lectures. This post, The Need For Participation, Compassion, and Community In The Classroom (and lecture hall), presents clips from a documentary "Children Full Of Life". Be prepared to be moved by children's pure emotion and the skill of a veteran grade school teacher as he leads and guides his class towards a more empathetic and compassionate sense of community.


Ross Enamait's site is full of great resources for fighters and people interested in bodyweight and home training options. I've heard nothing but good things about his books Never Gymless and Infinite Intensity - they are on my list of books to pick up asap. In this blog post, Ross gives a homemade dipping belt recipe: Dips & Pull-Ups - Homemade Belt

*Dave Draper's Iron Online Strength Conditioning Blog*

Dave and Laree Draper's blog has GREAT guest posts from authors such as yours truly and more well-known authors like Dan John and Gray Cook. In this post, Strong Does Not Necessarily Equal Tough, Gray Cook talks about the follow of trying to coach toughness, when what we are coaching is strength - the takeaway is that toughness comes from the strength training, not the other way around.
The point is not to make things unnecessarily hard; it’s to make really hard stuff become easier, safer and more manageable, and then move to something harder. Somehow squatting weight on an unstable surface does not seem that smart or necessary. Balancing on an unstable surface is a great way to train balance reactions, and squatting with weight is a great way to get strong, but combining the activities only reduces the benefit of each in an artificial attempt to be functional. You can’t fool nature; nature knows it’s a stupid exercise. Instead of trying to make our fluffy exercises harder with awkward angles and bad lines, we should pick some hard exercises that are time-honored and technically sound, and learn the art of making them easy.

Other Blogs Of Note Posts:
Blogs Of Note IV
Blogs Of Note V

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