Sunday, September 22, 2013

30 Days of Squats! (Day 22) - Good Mornings and Squats

Good mornings and their variations are a great exercise for building squat stability. I don't know Westside's current stance on their inclusion in squat and deadlift training, but they were a training staple for years.

In this video (from the Force Training Seminar that I talked about on 30 Days of Squat! - Day One), Dave Tate and Matt Smith from Westside Barbell run through a number of good morning variations. Late in the clip, Dave Tate discusses why a speed day is incorporated into the Westside template.

It's been a while since I've done good mornings regularly in my own training, but I love them and they are always worth revisiting. Generally, I use a moderate to wide stance because I find a close stance has a tendency to round (and irritate) my lower back if I do them to any depth.

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