Friday, May 7, 2010

An Idea No One Seems Smart Enough To Run With...

Seriously, why the hell aren't business-minded people applying any kind of creative design to kettlebells?

A kettlebell that looked like this would sell... JMO.


Peter D said...

The women at my gym have suggested more than once that we color the black kettlebells something more attractive. I keep thinking of the ones you and your son painted...I mean, why not make them branded and colored?

Get out there and start your internet business, Boris. Kitty-chan Kettlebells. Kerropi Kettlebells. Themed colors. Limited edition paint jobs...

Boris said...

Thanks Peter - I would do it if I had the know-how and drive to do so. I don't and that's why I'm throwing the idea out there. If I saw a Hello Kitty kettlebell for sale, I'd curse about it for a couple days and then order one for my wife (and if they came heavy enough, one for myself as well).