Welcome to the Squat Rx blog everyone! I hope that you will stop by to discuss strength and conditioning, powerlifting, kettlebells, and, of course, squats. I'll be updating the blog as often as possible with links, articles, interviews, videos, thoughts, and training. I look forward to hearing from you.
Wooo Hooo...
Finally a Sensei blog...
Way cool.. now I've got another place to check into...
I was saw a reference to you on takei's blog:
He said your from Iowa. Being an Iowegan and hoping to move back to the area, I thought I could come by. Although it does look like maybe your RSS feed doesn't work.
Excuse me, Mr. Skwat RX that wears a cool t-shirt, Where can I buy one of those shirts? My bro and I are getting into some skwatting and I think we need to rock one of your tee's.
I've seen you around youtube and just discovered your blog. I didn't realize you were also into RKC!
I'm a big fan of Pavel, Dan John, and some of the other strength enthusiasts you refer too. I'm glad I ran into your blog! It's great to find insightful coaches willing to share the expertise. I haven't squatted more than a few times over the past few years (though I do pistols frequently), but finding your blog is motivating me to get back into it. It's definitely a needed change, as I can probably only squat half my deadlift right now (possibly an exaggeration).
Thanks for your advice!
Hi, not sure if this is the right place for my question, so I apologize if it's not. Basically, my question is about squat form. I've been following Coach Rippetoe's program and improving my numbers, but lately my form just fell apart (it's also possible it was never that great to begin with). After taping myself and studying the visuals, I think the main problem is my knees sliding forward at the bottom of the squat. I'm trying really hard to go back with my hips and flair my knees out, but the problem is still happening. I think it may have to do with possibly long femurs and the need to lean over more to keep the center of balance over the midfoot and trying to break at the hips before I do it at the knees. Any suggestions or cue will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot for the excellent videos!
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