Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Squat Rx PSA...

A few "public service announcements" from Squat Rx:

If your technique is lacking, doing as many reps as you can in a limited period of time will NOT sharpen it.

If you can't squat properly with bodyweight, then using a loaded barbell with the movement isn't a good idea.

If you can't rack a barbell for a front squat, then you probably shouldn't be doing cleans... at all.

If you are very overweight and your trainer suggests sprinting and plyos (also known as plyometrics), you need a new trainer.

Chuck needs to learn to rack the weight first...


Hanley Tucks said...

I dunno, this stuff sounds pretty radical to me. Are you really saying that people should perform movements correctly and try not to injure themselves?

Boris said...

Cutting-edge, I know.