Good book. If I wrote a chapter for it, it might go something like this...
I believe that the
Goals are absolutely necessary for most people to reach their fullest potential. Goals help us plan. Goals keep us disciplined. Goals keep us focused, and goals keep us on the path. Goals keep us from adding the superfluous or injurious "extra". Goals keep us open to options. Goals are all the "why" you need.
Expectations make us greedy. Expectations leave us disappointed. Expectations get us into trouble. Expectations tempt us to leave the path. Expectations get us into trouble. Expectations lead to entitlement. Expectations give us tunnel vision and make us "bend the map". Expectations make us add weight when we shouldn't. Expectations say to us "why not this too?".
Goals, plans, discipline, and routine are all positives when it comes to training on the path to mastery. However, when clouded by expectation, those goals become cruel masters that spur you onward (and downward) and fit you with blinders called "perserverance" that could more aptly be called, at best, rigidity, and, at its worst, addiction or resignation.
This post really strikes a chord with me, Boris. I've found that having expectations almost always has negative consequences, whether it be while playing guitar, fixing my car, or weight training.
You're at where you're at and it's best to accept it!
Yes, older I'm more I believe one have to enjoy the way, the process and to focus on goal.
I was only just tonight reading Gesture of Balance by Tarthang Tulku in which he suggested we can become more open to our experiences once we recognize that our expectations only lead to disappointment and frustration. I would certainly add physical injury to that list in the case of training.
Eli - No matter where you go, there you are!
Petr - Agreed! Process, process, process
Stephen - Expectations have certainly ruined a perfectly good training cycle or two for me.
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