Sunday, December 20, 2009

Training Supplement Review

The problem with "supplements", as I see them, is that people use them as a replacement to wise life choices. Many students have asked me about creatine, protein, and prohormone products and are then puzzled when I then ask what they eat for breakfast. They miss the point that supplements are to "supplement", not "supplant" proper diet and training practices.

With that in mind, I've decided to post occasional reviews of training "supplements" that are actually worth their price tag. The products will probably be a little untraditional, but I certainly wouldn't call them avant-garde.

Training Supplement #1: SALINE NASAL SPRAY

With a "proprietary blend" of sodium chloride, purified water, and preservatives benzyl alcohol and benzalkonium chloride, this ultra-simple, and ultra-effective supplement will clear out the sinuses in seconds. Serious lifters and sedentary allergy sufferers alike will find this supplement effective for promoting proper breathing patterns and healthy ear and nasal passages.

In my lifetime, I've had several training-related sudden hearing losses that have left me with permanent, raging tinnitus in both ears - I believe that if I had started using saline nasal spray regularly from a much younger age, the severity of these "injuries" could have been lessened if not avoided entirely.

A 3 oz. bottle usually costs somewhere in the neighborhood of $6. Wipe the spout clean after every application. I replace mine a month or so after the first use.


Unknown said...

Ever heard of a Neti Pot? A couple years ago I came across this out of desperation while dealing with my annual sinus infection. I also have a lot of allergy and dust related sinus issues. Anyway, there is plenty of info that comes up from google on it, so I won't explain it here.

I never bought the actual pot, it was late at night, and I was desperate. I took that saline bottle, popped the spray nozzle out and drilled a hole in the cap. I use one of my now unused supplement shaker cups to mix two cups body temperature water with one teaspoon sea salt (non iodized). Takes a bit of getting used to, but I use it every morning during what used to be sinus infection season for me. And when I've been working in dusty conditions.

It's kind of a gross thing to be enthusiastic about, but I no longer buy saline bottles.

Boris said...

I've never used a neti pot, but yes I know what they are. I'm sure it'd do the job very well.

Unknown said...

I had used the saline spray for years and it always seemed to help till last year. Got a bad lingering sinus infection and allergies. A Ju Jitsu buddy kept recommending a NetiPot. He swears by it. Finally, in desperation, I went for one at the local Target but picked up a related product by the same company, the NeilMed Sinus Rinse Kit. Way better and more effective than the spray. A real godsend for sinus and allergy problems. Worth every penny. Also, you can buy the sterile saline refill packs separately if you have something else to use.

Also wear a NIOSH dust mask when cutting grass or biking and running in dusty, heavy pollen, or very cold conditions.

As for supplements I take Vitamin D, Fish Oil, and fiber - the only things as far as I can find that have been shown to be better than placebo. My Dr advised not taking D & C together as C inhibits D uptake.

Anonymous said...

Nasal sprays have serious side effects. Google nasal spray side effects.

"t’s advised that you never use over-the-counter nasal sprays for more than three days due to a nasal spray side effect known as rebound rhinitis. This occurs when after repeated use of nasal sprays the nasal passages become more congested when the spray is stopped, setting up an addictive pattern where the spray needs to be used regularly to keep the passages clear. In some cases, steroid nasal sprays and even oral steroid medications are needed to reduce rebound rhinitis and allow the person to get off of nasal sprays entirely. Many people don’t consider the seriousness of these nasal spray side effects when they innocently buy a bottle of nasal spray at their local drugstore."

Boris said...

I don't think that text is referring to saline (non-medicated) nasal sprays.

There is no doubt some risk of spreading infection or re-introducing infection, especially if you keep the bottle too long, never wash it, or if there is backwash.