Friday, June 24, 2011

The Next DVD I'll Get Is...

These clips, from the DVD "Intervention" by Dan John and, look fantastic.

Some of it does take time to percolate though - I don't think even 5 years ago I would have heard (really heard) the message in the first clip. Now, it's so freaking obvious, I don't know what took me so long to figure out. I guess, just like most people, I still need lots of reminders.

I've been rediscovering the suitcase carry recently while on vacation with a 28kg kettlebell. It's a deceptively simple, but brutally effective exercise. I'll post about it soon.


  1. You are welcome anytime to try out the farmers walk on my driveway Boris if you want some variety in your carries. I have some handles that are pretty nice. Just like these:

  2. I've wanted a pair of those since that piece appeared in MILO!

    How much you using with those Matt?

  3. It varies. Sometimes I will go slow and heavy and sometimes light and fast. They are here and ready to try anytime you would like!
