If you like vulgar language, porn, and "hardcore" lifting, then the
Chaos & Pain Blog will be a place for you. I hesitate to recommend it here, but sprinkled among the offensive photos and script are genuine nuggets of knowledge. Probably the best way to describe it would be to say it is like an X-rated version of T-Mag. In this post,
The Rule Of Five (Part II), the author takes 5x5 sycophants to task. Be forewarned, "Chaos & Pain" is not exactly high-brow reading and viewing material - expect to be shocked and offended. Do not read it in front of minors, your wife, or at work.
I believe this blog has undergone a number of name changes over the years, but
The Tight Tan Slacks of Dezso Ban reprints articles from popular writers and athletes about strongman, powerlifting, olympic lifting, and bodybuilding. Many of them are pieces that you would be hard-pressed to find anywhere else unless you owned the original publications. In this post,
The ABCs of Weightlifting (Part 13), Tommy Kono writes about the importance of working your weaknesses.
Dan John recently released a new book with the help of Dave and Laree Draper entitled
Mass Made Simple - it's a great book and I'll review it soon. In this
blog post, Dan John talks about his book briefly and then outlines his work with a fighter - it should be required reading for doofus trainers who believe that the best way to work with their athletes is smoke them.
Other Blogs Of Note Posts:
Blogs Of Note I
Blogs Of Note II
Blogs Of Note III
Blogs Of Note IV