I made a video talking about the Pareto Principle. Probably 10 years ago or so, I noticed a lot of people in the fitness industry talking about the "80-20 rule" as a way to look at training. I think it's a great concept and widely applicable, but I think for most people, it's pretty easy to take the idea further than it was really ever intended to be applied. The problem is not that people use it as a lens - the problem is when people try to make it a system and/or use it as a means to organize their training, rather than an observational tool.
Similarly, when it comes to training "minimalism", there is great value in trying to "trim the fat" from training. In that regard, a minimalist lens is a good tool to help you see what is not useful. The problem is that, for most people who are out of shape, doing too much is not the issue and they may, in fact, need to do more (though doing the wrong things may be distracting them from the right things).
Anywho, take a look if you have time and let me know what you think.